Saturday, August 23, 2008

Video editing

After learning how to edit photos and audio, now it's time for us to apply what we have learnt to produce a video. Videos are effective stimulus to get pupils attentions and interests. This is because videos are colourful, entertaining and more lively compared to other types of teaching tools. We can get thousands of videos from the internet but it is more appropriate if a teacher can develop her own video to meet the needs of the learners.

Even though technology in computer is very influential in educational field today, we must always keep in mind that it could only assist us in teaching and learning, not to take the role of a teacher as the educator. The technology that we utilise should be practical and appropriate, so that they are useful for the young learners. Thus, we should not take it for granted to make teaching and learnining easier, but we should apply it to make teaching-learning more effective.

Some important factors to consider in the selection of a video are the length and independence of the extract, appropriateness of content, sound and picture quality, extent of visual support and language density. Extracts should be brief: Stempleski suggests that 2-3 minutes of video will provide sufficient material for a one hour lesson while Ellington & Race [1993 : 196-7] note that "concentration spans tend to be short, especially with a medium which has conditioned people to a relaxation approach. Sound quality is a particularly important factor because, as Arcario notes: "most language students...have little tolerance for poor sound quality" Visual support may be less important: MacWilliam [1986] suggests that it is actually easier for learners to understand video material when the face of the speaker is visible. the progession of making this video, I try to integrate all these qualities. However, I admit that, I'm still in the process of learning, thus, me and my partner do the best our can to meet at least half of the criteria stated above...Hopefully our lecturer enjoys watching this video:)

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