Wednesday, October 15, 2008


YIPPIE HURRAY!! Finally, i get to finish up my third assignment for this course. It is a relief for me as these few weeks were quite hectic for me and my friends. It is not easy to come out with my own activities designed using the programes and software that have been exposed to me throughout this course. Thank God I get to learn how to use the basic functions of these software. It took some time for me to think about the approptiate and creative interactive activities that I can create for all the four skills. I admit that not much creativity I put into this assignment... anyway, I'm quite happy with the final results as I was stuck from the beginning and only managed to come out with the lesson plans a week before the submission date. Phew...

Draft after draft, soon as I managed to come out with lesson plans for all the four skills, I started to work on the teaching aids. hmm..this is another tough part...looking for the raw sources took a lot of my time. Things became tougher when my laptop hung gradually, slowing my pace in completing the assignment. Again and again, I had to restart my laptop and this made me headache!! Technology is helpful but sometimes it can cause chaos as well..with patience, I finally completed all the teaching aids, and it's printing time...wait a minute! Another problem occured..OH NO!! my printer hanged too.. what a tough day for me. Meanwhile, patience kills the obstacles again. Phew... the lesson of the day: BE PATIENT!

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